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Profile IconAnne, Keith Simmons, Brendan Lewis and 8 more joined ArchaeoSeek
Jul 5
MacLaren North updated their profile
Apr 11, 2023
Rollo Gillespie updated their profile
Nov 10, 2022
Rick Allen updated their profile
Sep 4, 2022
Profile IconChristian Berends, Sara Miller and Liz joined ArchaeoSeek
Aug 1, 2022
prainbow added a discussion to the group European Archaeology

Irish archaeology?

Hi,I have a particular interest in Irish archaeology and I would love to connect with others in the forum who are working or interested in that area.See More
Aug 15, 2021
prainbow joined Mathias Blobel's group

European Archaeology

For general discussion of the archaeology of Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, etc.
Aug 15, 2021
prainbow commented on Dr Marco Langbroek's group Palaeolithic Archaeology
"I’m very interested in the earliest expressions of religion/metaphysical belief. I recently listened to episode 1 of the Neil MacGregor, “Living with the Gods” podcast and can’t help but believe there’s enough material…"
Aug 15, 2021
prainbow joined Dr Marco Langbroek's group

Palaeolithic Archaeology

For all of you who think of anything later than 10 000 bp as a "recent disturbance"!
Aug 15, 2021
prainbow replied to Anita Cohen-Williams's discussion Introductions Group for new members
"Hi, I’m from Denver, and have long been a fan of the science that opens up the story of humanity. I find nearly all of it interesting but I do have a special interest in the archaeology of this continent and the ways in which that story is now…"
Aug 15, 2021
prainbow is now a member of ArchaeoSeek
Aug 15, 2021
Ian Mackey posted photos
Aug 4, 2021



Started by ramon ramonet riu Nov 30, 2018.

The Heart of Neolithic Orkney

Started by James Q. Jacobs Mar 8, 2017.

Archaeology of clothing

Started by Paula Johanson Nov 17, 2015.


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